Waytoplay Toy Road To Recovery Road Set sale in uk
Road to Recovery – the hard waytoplay. The recycled cardboard road parts are especially designed for indoor use and they offer an extra benefit: kids can write or doodle on the back. Road to Recovery sets are more rigid than our regular sets, but the cardboard connects perfectly to our flexible toy roads. We are even including one flexible part to prove it. The set contains eight cardboard and one flexible road parts with a total length of 84 inch.
We believe that children are explorers and inventors. All it takes to unleash their imagination is a fun challenge. Waytoplay gives children the tools and the space to make up their own game. Encouraging inventiveness, problem solving skills and creativity: essential skills for now and the future. Waytoplay stands for 100% unplugged and offline fun.
As a child, inventor and designer Sybren Jelles loved playing with toy cars. Preferably outdoors, with the wind in his hair. After seeing that his son Joep had inherited that passion, he created waytoplay. That was in 2003. Since then, Sybren has joined forces with a state of the art manufacturer in Germany. Creating the unbreakable, weatherproof road set that is waytoplay.